মোহাম্মদ আলী আরাফাত মাননীয় প্রতিমন্ত্রী, তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়

প্রকাশকালঃ ৩০ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ ০৩:০৪ অপরাহ্ণ ২৪৪ বার পঠিত
মোহাম্মদ আলী আরাফাত মাননীয় প্রতিমন্ত্রী, তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়

As the State Minister, Professor Mohammad Ali Arafat, MP is in charge of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. On May 2, 1973, he was born in Bangladesh's Rajshahi district. Habibun Nisa is his mother's name, while Mohammad Setab Uddin is his father.


Professor Arafat taught small business management, advanced marketing management, strategic management, etc. at the School of Business at the Independent University of Bangladesh for more than a decade. Lately, he was a faculty member and chief advisor to the board of trustees at the Canadian University of Bangladesh’s School of Business. His academic interests include, among others, small businesses and their relations with economic growth, capital, connectivity, policy, etc.


He is also the Chairman of the Dhaka-based not-for-profit social-advocacy organisation, the Suchinta Foundation. The foundation has, among others, done extensive advocacy work in poverty eradication in Bangladesh through entrepreneurship development.


Professor Arafat is a two-times Member of Parliament, having been twice elected from the Dhaka-17 constituency as an Awami League nominee in the 11th and 12th parliaments respectively. He is also a member of the Awami League's central working committee. He has shown to be an invaluable resource for the Awami League over the years, especially when it comes to the party's foreign policy and political messaging.


Arafat holds advanced business degrees from the Oklahoma State University and Texas A&M University at Prairie View. He is a well-recognised voice in the Bangladeshi late-night talk-show arena, popular for his sharp wit and reasoned arguments. He is also a popular face in social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. His uncompromising views and stances on Bangladesh's founding history, and advocacy for justice for crimes committed during the 1971 Liberation War, endeared him to a large section of the Bangladeshi youth population.